599 research outputs found

    Dimension reduction for linear separation with curvilinear distances

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    Any high dimensional data in its original raw form may contain obviously classifiable clusters which are difficult to identify given the high-dimension representation. In reducing the dimensions it may be possible to perform a simple classification technique to extract this cluster information whilst retaining the overall topology of the data set. The supervised method presented here takes a high dimension data set consisting of multiple clusters and employs curvilinear distance as a relation between points, projecting in a lower dimension according to this relationship. This representation allows for linear separation of the non-separable high dimensional cluster data and the classification to a cluster of any successive unseen data point extracted from the same higher dimension

    Automatic test cases generation from software specifications modules

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    A new technique is proposed in this paper to extend the Integrated Classification Tree Methodology (ICTM) developed by Chen et al. [13] This software assists testers to construct test cases from functional specifications. A Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram and Object Constraint Language (OCL) are used in this paper to represent the software specifications. Each classification and associated class in the software specification is represented by classes and attributes in the class diagram. Software specification relationships are represented by associated and hierarchical relationships in the class diagram. To ensure that relationships are consistent, an automatic methodology is proposed to capture and control the class relationships in a systematic way. This can help to reduce duplication and illegitimate test cases, which improves the testing efficiency and minimises the time and cost of the testing. The methodology introduced in this paper extracts only the legitimate test cases, by removing the duplicate test cases and those incomputable with the software specifications. Large amounts of time would have been needed to execute all of the test cases; therefore, a methodology was proposed which aimed to select a best testing path. This path guarantees the highest coverage of system units and avoids using all generated test cases. This path reduces the time and cost of the testing

    Multi-drug infusion control using model reference adaptive algorithm

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    Control of physiological states such as mean arterial pressure (MAP) has been successfully achieved using single drug by different control algorithms. Multi-drug delivery demonstrates a significantly challenging task as compared to control with a single-drug. Also the patient’s sensitivity to the drugs varies from patient to patient. Therefore, the implementation of adaptive controller is very essential to improve the patient care in order to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. This paper presents the design and implementation of the model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output by administering vasoactive and inotropic drugs that are sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and dopamine (DPM) respectively. The proposed adaptive control model has been implemented, tested and verified to demonstrate its merits and capabilities as compared to the existing research work

    Understanding customers’ purchase behaviour from online group buying websites: a transaction cost approach

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    This study examined customers’ purchase behaviour from online group buying (OGB) websites. Based on transaction cost approach, a research model was developed from OGB context. Overall, data from 208 OGB customers support the model and the developed relationships. Although price discount has been considered as the strongest driver for customers to purchase from OGB websites, for the first time, this study empirically established it. Moreover, it is found that information asymmetry negatively impacts purchase behaviour; however, the effect of information asymmetry can be reduced by proper signalling method such as disseminating prior customers’ reviews. This study also argued that customization, rather than personalization, is more relevant to transaction costs and OGB. Interestingly, while making a purchase, customers pay less importance to reputation of OGB vendor. The results have been discussed with implications

    Experimental Case Studies for Investigating E-Banking Phishing Techniques and Attack Strategies

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    Phishing is a form of electronic identity theft in which a combination of social engineering and web site spoofing techniques are used to trick a user into revealing confidential information with economic value. The problem of social engineering attack is that there is no single solution to eliminate it completely, since it deals largely with the human factor. This is why implementing empirical experiments is very crucial in order to study and to analyze all malicious and deceiving phishing website attack techniques and strategies. In this paper, three different kinds of phishing experiment case studies have been conducted to shed some light into social engineering attacks, such as phone phishing and phishing website attacks for designing effective countermeasures and analyzing the efficiency of performing security awareness about phishing threats. Results and reactions to our experiments show the importance of conducting phishing training awareness for all users and doubling our efforts in developing phishing prevention techniques. Results also suggest that traditional standard security phishing factor indicators are not always effective for detecting phishing websites, and alternative intelligent phishing detection approaches are needed

    Comparative performance of intelligent algorithms for system identification and control

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    This paper presents an investigation into the comparative performance of intelligent system identification and control algorithms within the framework of an active vibration control (AVC) system. Evolutionary Genetic algorithms (GAs) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS) algorithms are used to develop mechanisms of an AVC system, where the controller is designed based on optimal vibration suppression using the plant model. A simulation platform of a flexible beam system in transverse vibration using finite difference (FD) method is considered to demonstrate the capabilities of the AVC system using GAs and ANFIS. MATLAB GA tool box for GAs and Fuzzy Logic tool box for ANFIS function are used to design the AVC system. The system is men implemented, tested and its performance assessed for GAs and ANFIS based algorithms. Finally, a comparative performance of the algorithms in implementing system identification and corresponding AVC system using GAs and ANFIS is presented and discussed through a set of experiments